Thursday, May 7, 2009

Kentacohut Sagtasticness...

Sooooo... I guess this needs some explanation. For the record, I am happily married and not gay in any way. I only mention this because it is obvious that I have taken a picture (very nonchalantly, I might add) of this young African-American gentleman's derriere, and posted in the blogosphere. And after looking at the picture, noticed that this particular gentleman seems to be in good shape... think what you will... this is just my observation. Anyway, on to the point of the post...


I used to "sag", as they say, back in the day, again as they say. But when this fad-a-rific trend hit white-middle america (circa 1996), I never went much further than 505 Levi's that were 1 1/2 sizes too big, OR pants that fit sans belt. NEVER, I mean NEVER, was I able to acheive what I am coining as"Maximum Sag"...

"Maximum Sag" or "SagMax" (which is what people have started calling it) is extremely difficult to acheive and to actually see someone displaying their "Sagtasticness" in the wild... well, let me just tell you friends, its as rare as a quality Pauly Shore movie. I had to be very careful taking this gem, because once you achieve "SagMax" you are such a BAMF that you will inflict personal injury on anyone that tries to "Out Sag" you... Need Proof? Notice the person in the background? He is friends with "Saggy McSaggerson" and tried to have more sag.

Saggy broke the dude's arm! Nuff said... enjoy!

Also, if you weren't aware... Kentacohut is what the young whipper-snappers are calling those fast food joint's that are a trifecta of Yum! KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut all in one... Kentacohut! Ah, youth... so creative.