Sunday, August 16, 2009

My dog has a problem...

So I need to make an admission to the world... My dog is addicted to balls. Seriously! Balls! I know, I know, you say "but she's a dog... Of course she likes balls". But this degree of sickness is far more than any other I have seen in my soon-to-be 29 years of life (birthday gifts are welcome... Oct. 6th)...

To prove my point, I've taken a digital photograph (some kids call them "pics") via my cellular telephone of my dog laying completely content with an over-sized tennis ball in her mouth...

She played in the pool all day... And was exhausted... However, she is o addicted to balls that she had to keep one in her mouth the entire time she was relaxing...

Sad thing is, I knew some girls in college with the same issue!


Saturday, August 15, 2009


'Nuff said


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Amazing Feats of Rubber...

1 Bag Rubber Bands - $0.67

1 Styrofoam Cup - $0.10

1 Half Drank Diet Dr. Pepper - $1.00

1 Potentially Deadly Rubber Band Shot from ~15 feet away - Priceless


Flame On!

Of all the cars to paint obnoxious blue flames on... a Scion is definately at the bottom of the list! Right below the Ford Taurus and Honda CR-V, it rounds out, not only the "Top 10 Cars that Should NEVER have Flames of any Color" list, but also the "Top 10 Cars to NEVER Buy" list - interestingly...
