Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Ok, I broke down and joined the "twitter nation"... I kinda feel dirty, but a little awesometown at the same time. I really never thought I'd do this, as I tend to think it's narcissistic and self-promoting... oh well, I guess you are what you tweet, and I tweet AWESOME!!!

I will slowly learn the art of Twitpics, @Reply and @Mention... We'll see how it goes. My 5 latest tweets are at the top right of this page... Enjoy! If you read this then you probably will enjoy because you obviously like my weird sense of humor, or care enough about me to "filter out the bullshit and take the rest to heart"...

Much love,

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Deep Fried... Oil?

So when you use your deep fryer and have to change the oil... This is what you get! And I wonder why I'm fat....

Mmm mmm good!
