Enough said...
However, this is a blog so I should probably say more...
NOTE: I will add to this over the next couple of weeks... both good and bad about the iphone (although i doubt i'll find much "bad")
First of all, I picked up my iPhone yesterday (3/1) and have only put it down to drive and when i get incredibly frustrated with typing... and sometimes to eat. Soon after i received a congratulatory facebook msg from a good friend welcoming me to "the cult of the iPhone"... apparently they know when someone activates one. (he says he figured it out since i activated "facebook mobile", but i think they have a sort of iSense...)
Anyway, over the next few weeks i will write about what I think of the infamous iPhone.
After 1 day of playing and surfing and configuring and crying tears of iPhone joy... i have one piece of advice for anyone that likes a highly functional, beatifully simplistic (yet extremely complex) phone (as long as they do not need to wirelessly sync to an MS Exchange server, i.e. a blackberry user):
To Be Continued....
CORRECTION: This series will be continued over the next few months, NOT weeks as previously stated. Sorry you two!