Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Snow in March... IN DALLAS!!!

Our backyard was covered... usually not a big deal to get a little bit of snow in Dallas in January.

However this was taken on March 1st... MARCH! If I lived in North Dakota I could expect to get snow at this time (basically year round, right? ha)...

As you can tell from my previous post... I just bought an iPhone, so there will probably be more "mobile posts" here... for my 2 readers:



Matt said...

Snow in Dallas? In March? Try snow in April! The resorts close this weekend and it dumped this week. It also jumped to 70 degrees today so global warming gave us a 4 day spring. Summers almost here.

Matt said...

dude. Have you abandoned your blog?

As a update on your (not so) current entry: Snow in May?! It freakin snowed in SLC this morning. I'm never going to unpack my flip flops at this rate!