Monday, February 9, 2009

Notes from a Whale's Vagina: Day 1 - Part 2

After we landed, we got off the plane and experienced 70 degree weather in February. Now, it needs to be said that the weather has been similar in Jan/Feb in Dallas as well, but it seemed much nicer in San Diego for some reason... I dunno maybe it was the fact that I was in California. Anyway, we checked into the Hilton Garden Inn... decent hotel in La Jolla (i think we were in La Jolla... if not we were dang close) By the time we checked in we were pretty hungry, so we set off to find a spot to eat. It requirements were A) they had food of some variety & B) it was on the beach. So we went to Del Mar (another little town outside of SD) and found Poseidon. The view was FANTASTIC! You can see it if you look right behind my boss's boss's head in the picture on the left...

I guess this would be a good time to tell you who the people in the picures are (or are going to be). My boss's boss, who I just mentioned is Chris. Stephanie and Josh were also with us (I'm sure you'll be able to tell who is who in the next two pictures)
So now that you know the cast, we can continue on this thrilling adventure... after we ate, we walked around a bit and decided we needed to find a place to park ourselves for the Super Bowl... didn't want to miss a second. We asked around and found a spot called Jimmy O's. It was a little hole-in-the wall in Del Mar with about as many flat screens on the wall as... well lets just say the capacity to tv ratio was somewhere around 5:1... not bad for a small joint like that. We grabbed nearly the last open/not already reserved table and prepared for the game. We still had about 2 hours till the game started (remember it started 2 hours earlier there than it did back home) so we all ordered a beverage of choice and talked shop for a while. Then we watched one of the best Super Bowl's in recent history. Though i wasn't impressed with the commercials, except 1 (now remember we were in a loud bar, so the audio might have made some of them more impressive than i could tell) Doritos Commercial was awesome!

After that we went home and slept... Day 2 coming soon (if you definition of soon is sometime this week... and possibly this weekend)

1 comment:

Matt said...

Time for an update my friend.