I wrote this email to a friend that attended Texas Tech University after he informed me that Oklahoma State stole all of their traditions. Untrue things that are spewn about my beloved O-State are not tolerated in my world...
I'm posting this email because I read this on a friends blog about a similar topic. I thought it was fitting. Enjoy!
All of these subjects have been said to be stolen by OSU from Texas Tech. Just wanted to clear the air...Read and be humbled:
School Establishment:
Oklahoma A&M - 1890
Oklahoma State University - 1957
Texas Technological College - 1923
Texas Tech University - 1969
Conclusion: No stealing here... since we were around long before Tech was.
OSU - Spirit Rider and Bullet - 1984
Tech - Masked Rider: Official in 1953 (done originally as a dare in 1936)
Conclusion: The Spirit Rider WAS inspired by the Masked Rider, though no masks are involved... I will concede to this one.. It was Dr. Eddy Finley, a graduate of Texas Tech who thought up the idea, while working at OSU... So I think "stolen" is wrong to quite wrong. But you guys did have it first...
OSU - Pistol Pete - 1923
Tech - Raider Red - 1971
Conclusion: Our mascot is based on an actual person (a grade-A badass, actually) in history, and was not simply made up by a cartoonist (Raider Red was). Oh and Pistol Pete became our mascot the same year your school began to exist.
Hand Signal:OSU - Pistols Firing/Go Pokes - No Date Found...
Tech - Guns Up - 1972
Conclusion: This is a hand signal, the Southwest Conference was known for them, however, we both have "double gun toting" mascots. It seems quite likely to have a hand signal that indicates such a thing. Also, our "double gun toting" mascost is an actual cowboy, our mascot existed before you school did, therefore its likely that our hand signal was not "stolen" from Tech.
OSU - Orange Power - 1975
OSU - Orange Power - 1975
Tech - Raider Power - No Date Found... Conclusion: This is a cross stadium cheer that numerous Universities use (one version or another)... it's ridiculous to say anyone stole it from anyone else. Unless Tech thinks they started "cross-stadium cheering."
Other Facts:Will Rogers is a born and raised, famous Oklahoman... not a Texan. Talk about stealing.
Yes, its ridiculous that I did this much research to prove a point... but I don't care. You have one semi-valid point about the Spirit Rider... that's all... end of story. You should forward this to your school so they can get their facts straight.