I wrote this email to a friend that attended Texas Tech University after he informed me that Oklahoma State stole all of their traditions. Untrue things that are spewn about my beloved O-State are not tolerated in my world...
I'm posting this email because I read this on a friends blog about a similar topic. I thought it was fitting. Enjoy!
All of these subjects have been said to be stolen by OSU from Texas Tech. Just wanted to clear the air...Read and be humbled:
School Establishment:
Oklahoma A&M - 1890
Oklahoma State University - 1957
Texas Technological College - 1923
Texas Tech University - 1969
Conclusion: No stealing here... since we were around long before Tech was.
OSU - Spirit Rider and Bullet - 1984
Tech - Masked Rider: Official in 1953 (done originally as a dare in 1936)
Conclusion: The Spirit Rider WAS inspired by the Masked Rider, though no masks are involved... I will concede to this one.. It was Dr. Eddy Finley, a graduate of Texas Tech who thought up the idea, while working at OSU... So I think "stolen" is wrong to quite wrong. But you guys did have it first...
OSU - Pistol Pete - 1923
Tech - Raider Red - 1971
Conclusion: Our mascot is based on an actual person (a grade-A badass, actually) in history, and was not simply made up by a cartoonist (Raider Red was). Oh and Pistol Pete became our mascot the same year your school began to exist.
Hand Signal:OSU - Pistols Firing/Go Pokes - No Date Found...
Tech - Guns Up - 1972
Conclusion: This is a hand signal, the Southwest Conference was known for them, however, we both have "double gun toting" mascots. It seems quite likely to have a hand signal that indicates such a thing. Also, our "double gun toting" mascost is an actual cowboy, our mascot existed before you school did, therefore its likely that our hand signal was not "stolen" from Tech.
OSU - Orange Power - 1975
OSU - Orange Power - 1975
Tech - Raider Power - No Date Found... Conclusion: This is a cross stadium cheer that numerous Universities use (one version or another)... it's ridiculous to say anyone stole it from anyone else. Unless Tech thinks they started "cross-stadium cheering."
Other Facts:Will Rogers is a born and raised, famous Oklahoman... not a Texan. Talk about stealing.
Yes, its ridiculous that I did this much research to prove a point... but I don't care. You have one semi-valid point about the Spirit Rider... that's all... end of story. You should forward this to your school so they can get their facts straight.
Way to go Devon. Thanks for doing the research and setting the record straight. Go Pokes!
The "firing pistol" was first used in 2001, "guns up" originated in the 1970's, make what you'd like of it.
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